Sunday, October 4, 2009

fall is falling

i think fall has fallen.

luckily mama bought me a sweater.

when it gets cold out. we do crafts in doors.
i think they should go through taste-tests... but mama disagrees.

i find patches of sun to stay warm.

but luckily we still have a few nice days left for me to play outside.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

squished-face meet-up

today i had a little squished-face meet-up with some new friends!

we went to genesee park to meet penne pasta (pug) and paulie meatballs (english bulldog). they're the cutest brother & sister.

this is matt & kristin. paulie and penne's mama and daddy. they're super sweet too.

we ran all around the park!

paulie is a much bigger doggie.

he likes playing soccer like me and spent most of the day watching people playing soccer in the next field.

penne was so quick!
way quicker than me.

she's a big kisser.

here's kisses from me!

puppy hold!

there was another frenchie there too!

we played for a while, he was friendly!

it was hot in the park, but we had lots of water. us squished-faces need to stay cool!

it was lots of fun playing with penne & paulie.

we spent a long time at the park!

time to go home!

and i'm pooped!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

grassy grass grass


Saturday, September 19, 2009

it's still september!

i think mama is getting TOO excited for halloween... she DID want to buy me a costume already, but didn't think daddy would be too thrilled this early.

so she settled on a very halloweenie themed onesie. it glows in the dark.

do you think i look cool?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

little bit o' sunshine

hey! with all the rain we had last week, mama & i were SURE summer was over!

but lucky for me - it was sunny!
that means: outside time!

we went hiking up in the woods by issaquah.
it was nice and cool in the shade.

this bench isn't as soft as my couch back home...

i explored all kinds of nooks n' crannies!

we're great adventurers.

mama says i look like a model.
of course!

can you spot the frenchie in the shadows?

c'mon slowpokes!

i'm like a chameleon in the woods.
or a tiger in the bushes?

i found the way out!
lets go home, i'm tired.

ahhh the long drive home.

back in my yard.
boy i'm tired.

naptime in the soft grass!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

summer vacation

hello! did you miss me?

mama's brain has been on summer vacation. it's been a busy summer! she has a lot to catch up on... such as...

my new hobby!

i'm quite the soccer player.

(so talented - playing even with a stick in my mouth!)

even daddy has a hard time taking the ball away from me

we've been going on lots of walks

even walks in the woods!

mama & daddy even bought me a pool since its been so hot!

it was a little surprising at first

but now i love it!

(that'll show them!)

we also went canoeing!

with my new life vest that mommy makes me wear...

that's it for now!

till mama updates again
(she has a LOT of pictures to go through...)

today, i am officially SIX MONTHS OLD!