Saturday, September 12, 2009

little bit o' sunshine

hey! with all the rain we had last week, mama & i were SURE summer was over!

but lucky for me - it was sunny!
that means: outside time!

we went hiking up in the woods by issaquah.
it was nice and cool in the shade.

this bench isn't as soft as my couch back home...

i explored all kinds of nooks n' crannies!

we're great adventurers.

mama says i look like a model.
of course!

can you spot the frenchie in the shadows?

c'mon slowpokes!

i'm like a chameleon in the woods.
or a tiger in the bushes?

i found the way out!
lets go home, i'm tired.

ahhh the long drive home.

back in my yard.
boy i'm tired.

naptime in the soft grass!

1 comment:

  1. I've said it before and I'll say it again...this never ceases to bring a smile to my face :)
